Saturday, April 5, 2008


Dear Anthony, 
I'm a little stupefied by having to write back to my nephew's wife about the "seance" she heard about. I'm amazed by the instant reaction people can have. I reacted in my own way after Halloween night…. Anyway, just curious if you call what you do a "seance." That word never crossed my mind. 

Hope you are well, 

Dear Gina, 
I'm often amazed at the "instant reaction" I receive when I tell people what I do. You and I aren't the only ones either. 

I received a phone call today from another friend of mine, Jennifer. Jennifer is married to Mike, whom I was best friends with many years ago. In fact I was the best man at their wedding. 

Well, Jennifer told me that Mike went to visit his family last October and they told him in no uncertain terms that they were worried about the "darkness" Mike and Jennifer were entering being friends with me. This was about the time I came to your relatives home and did the small group readings for whomever cared to attend, and interestingly, about the same reaction to what happened! 

To answer your question directly, John Edward and Suzanne Northrup refer to their sessions as a seance, I don't. It brings up the wrong connotation of what I do. In a typical "seance," specific spirits are called to make an appearance. This is not what I do. 

When spirits show up during a session, they do so out of love, desire to communicate with their loved ones they left behind,  and their own free will. God's love and grace make it possible for the communication to take place. As for me, I'm only the instrument in the process. 

That's why I refer to what I do as "discernment sessions," and not "seances." It's not like I snap my fingers and the spirits show up, they snap their fingers and I show up. I then do my best to understand the messages the spirits are trying to convey to their loved ones. 

Finally, most people object to what I do on religious grounds. In Christian Scriptures, Paul about the ability to "discern spirits" as one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. So I guess the bottom line is that this ability is God's gift to me. The peace of mind people receive from a session is God's gift to them, given through me. 

Explain it to your aunt that way, and see if it helps her. 

Thanks for the empathy for the reactions I get from people. I often say that this "gift" sometimes makes me feel as though I won a seat on the game show, "Shoot the Messenger!" 


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