The apparent change that was needed was a clearing of Cheryl's home of the ghosts that are active in it. Members of Colorado Paranormal Rescue (CPR) came by and identified what was going on in her home and why. They took it a step further and cleared out a number of the apparitions in the home.
The next day, according to Cheryl, Prince had more energy and and was more playful than he had been in a long time.
I've been doing a lot of work getting ready for what is apparently the next stage of my career. It seems as though I'm going to be getting more exposure as a Psychic Medium. I'll let you know what that's about as it happens.
Memorial Day weekend was busy for Cheryl and me. We went to quite a few parties, and basically ended up exhausted and lazy come Sunday and Monday.
Cheryl is heading up to Wyoming for one of her nephew's graduations tomorrow, so I get to take care of Prince! My own cat, Albert, seems to be taking all the disruptions in our quality time in stride.
Tomorrow, I'll be meeting with Colorado Paranormal Rescue to go over the evidence they collected at Cheryl's house with them while Cheryl is gone. I'll let you know what they find.
More, and more lately, I've come to appreciate my friends, how much they mean to me, and how much I mean to them. I'm also appreciating more, and more, the effect that the work I do has on the people I serve.
I guess what I'm saying is that I'm coming to a place in my life where I'm really appreciating my life, and my place in life. I'm also appreciating God more and more. Right now, I'm really happy.