Monday, May 5, 2008

Pet Heaven

My friend Cheryl has a toy poodle named "Prince." Prince is just adorable. I love his energy and playfulness. He's two years old and still a puppy. Prince is also very sick. 

Cheryl took Prince in to the vet's office yesterday for tests. She won't find out the results until Tuesday or Friday, but if they don't come back positive she may have to have Prince put to sleep. 

I put my hands on Prince and sent him healing energy, but I'm not sure how much good, if any, it did. I also did my best to cheer Cheryl up. 

Like most people, I've had pets. They were only pets, they were my children. Amongst them are a dog, Claire De La Luna (named by my girlfriend at the time), cats named Eleazar (passed), Sarah (passed), and my 18 year old cat, named Albert. I was telling Cheryl that when I die, I'm not only looking forward to seeing Christ, my family and friends that have gone before me, but my pets as well. 

I'm asked all the time if our pets go to Heaven. Yes, they do. I know this because they are mentioned all the time during discernments. Not just cats and dogs, but horses, birds, and anything else we have loved and loved us back. 

Renowned Medium, George Anderson, refers to our pets as "the eyes of God." I couldn't agree more. I'm hoping that Prince won't have to be put down, because Cheryl had to put down another of her beloved poodles last year. But if she does, they'll be waiting with wagging tails for Cheryl to join them when it's her turn. 

Your pets are waiting for you too. 


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