Monday, May 5, 2008

The Unsinkable Molly Brown

The members of Colorado Paranormal Rescue ( and I went to the Molly Brown museum today just to check it out. Tamela, Debbie and I all had some interesting impressions while we were there, and Robin was a docent there for a number of years with her own experiences. 

Robin told us later that once, while she was conducting a tour, she and the group she was leading smelled cigar smoke in Mr. Brown's library. Since smoking was prohibited there Robin was stunned, and the group wanted to know what "button" she pushed to create the smell. 

Robin actually left the group there to ask another staff to find out who was smoking in the building. When she explained what she was smelling, the other staff member asked, "Is this the first tour you smelled it on?" Apparently, it's a fairly frequent occurrence. 

After we did our tour, CPR asked if the museum was open to the idea of an "investigation." They were told they couldn't, but that they were welcome to interview staff as to their experiences. 

The last time I was with CPR, it was to "investigate" reports of activity in a house that's no longer there! LOL Now, we were in a house that's standing, apparently haunted, but no one is allowed to investigate! In all fairness, however, it was my idea that we go there. 

I wanted them to see the extremes of situations. When I was actively doing investigations I refused to investigate stories that were 10 years, 10 months old, or even 10 weeks old. I preferred to check out places in which activity happened 10 days before, 10 hours before, and ideally, 10 minutes before. 

Colorado Paranormal Rescue is learning how to conduct investigations in a way that makes sense. They're also doing spirit releases when asked to do so. They have a great team that works well together. 

If you need help with a haunting, please feel free to contact them. If you're out of state, contact me and I'll help you find a group near you. Just because of collection of people claim to do investigations of hauntings, it doesn't mean you want them in your home or business. 


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