Wednesday, April 30, 2008

What just happened?

I've been back from Los Angeles for a couple of days now, and I'm getting back into the swing of things. It was a great time seeing my entire family again. Last Saturday was my parents' 50th Anniversary. Thankfully, there wasn't a lot of drama during the time everyone was there. 

I had a chance to meet with my friend, Conrad Dunn. Conrad is an actor who has been in a lot of films, and television programs. My sister, Nadine, joined us for breakfast, and now she tells me she's his new fan. LOL

Yesterday I went to another friend's home here in Colorado for dinner. It was the first time I've been to her house, and as soon as I got there I was on the phone to do what I thought was a "quick" interview. After answering a question or two, I was asked to do a couple of readings. 

I did three in all, and somewhere in the midst of all of this I realized I was part of a taping of a television show! Cheryl disappeared while I was on the phone so I was a little worried I had offended her, which was a bit distracting. 

Anyway, I received an e-mail this morning saying I was "great" and a hit! Huh? LOL I am glad I went over well. So, the upchuck of the whole thing is that after my retreat in Ohio in June, I'll be going to Pennsylvania to do another television show, this time in person. I also received an invitation to do an event either before the taping of the show, or after. I'm not sure at this point. 

I guess my "appearance" did go well after all!


Thursday, April 24, 2008

Rest In Peace

I'm in Los Angeles and I'm having fun hanging out with my mother, father, brothers and sisters; and, of course, my nieces and nephew.

I just found out today that one of my uncles, one of my father's brothers died two days ago back on Guam. He passed when he crashed into a tree. No one knows at this time why this happened. Personally, I just think his time was up.

I will say that I've been thinking a lot over the past week about a car wreck. Was it my intuition warning me this would happen? I honestly don't know.

One thing I was glad to hear was that everyone in my family acknowledges he's in a "better place." So there's not a whole lot of grieving going on. I guess, contrary to what I've believed for a long time now, they've been listening to me, after all.

Rest in peace, Uncle Norbert, until you're ready to continue your life and journey again, on the Other Side.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Family reunion(s)/Spiritual Party Lines

I'm so excited! I'm off to Los Angeles later today to see my mother and father who will be celebrating their Golden Anniversary this Saturday. 

I'll be seeing my sisters Meridith and Nadine, my brother in law Aaron, and my nieces and nephews as well. Oh, and I have a "great-nephew" whom I haven't met yet, that I'll be meeting tomorrow.

My brothers Eddie and Steve are flying in from Florida, and it'll be great to see them too! 

Of course, you throw in those who'll be showing up from the Other Side, and it's a party! And one thing we Guamanians love to do is party! 

I'm often asked if I do discernments (readings) for my family, or if I hear from those who were close to me in this life. The long, and short answer is, "no." I used to volunteer working for the late Mother Theresa's order, working in a hospice being with men who were dying of Aids. My responsibility was to be with the men when they crossed over so that they didn't do so alone. 

What I didn't know then, but I do now, is that no one crosses over alone. Still it's a scary enough time for most to have to face, let alone, face it alone. So I would do it over again in a heartbeat. 

I was there to help well over 30 men cross, many of them becoming friends before they did. A few of them became good friends. I would love to hear from them, but so far… nothing. If I ever do, I'm sure it'll be through another Medium. 

Saturday, I'm booked to do an event, then Monday, back home in Denver! 

This morning I was talking to a friend over the phone and I could hear her daughter telling her to ask me questions in the background. Suddenly I was being asked a question, but I was confused because the voice sounded different. 

"Diane?" I asked. 

"No, this is Aisha." 

It's not unusual, when I'm doing a discernment, that something like this is exactly what happens! I will hear several voices at once, and a spirit will drop in, sometimes rather abruptly. I call it a "spiritual party line." I will think I'm talking to one person, say a female, and another female will suddenly pop in, start talking and I'll think it's the same person! 

I'll often tell them, "Look, I was born confused. You're only making things worse when you do this sort of thing!" 

Doing a discernment is, for a Medium, like putting together a jigsaw puzzle without seeing the picture on the cover of the box. That's why we'll ask you to confirm or deny the information we're receiving. It makes no sense to us, and we have no idea if it makes sense to you,  so we give it to you as best we can. 

I mention this in part because I was watching the show, "Medium," a couple of nights ago. Between that show, and "The Ghost Whisperer," there's a lot of misconceptions about this work. I'm sure there are people out there who would have you think it's just like it is on television. All I can say is, "I wish it were so easy." 

Monday, April 21, 2008

Looking forward...

I've got quite a week coming up! I'm going to be in Los Angeles, and while I'm there I'm going to be doing a television show in Philadelphia (or someplace in the Pa. area). 

I was originally supposed to do the show a couple of weeks or so ago, but I was asked if I could reschedule it. So now, I'll be doing the show over the phone, and doing discernments (readings) for audience members over the phone. They're going to show my picture, I guess it's the one on my website. 

I was told that there will be a "packed house" for the show. I have absolutely no idea how this is going to work out, so wish me luck! I'm assuming that I'll be doing an interview, and then doing the readings. 

For the record, I won't know who I'm going to be doing readings for. I'm glad it's working out the way it is because then I can't be accused of cluing in on facial expressions or any of that nonsense. 

My parents will be celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary this Saturday! That's the primary reason I'll be in Los Angeles, but I'll also be doing an event while I'm there. 

I'm also writing about "sacred signs" in my other blog. I'm excited about writing it, and the responses I'm getting from it! 

I just finished reading Lisa Williams book, "Life Amongst the Dead." I read it in two days, I loved it so much. I highly recommend it. It's a great story by a woman who inspires me. 

Speaking of women who inspire me. I talked to Camille Massing this morning and she's in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. She'll be back tomorrow, and she'll be driving me to the airport on Wednesday. As I mentioned before, she's a close friend and she has a great cd of music entitled, "King's Ransom." You can find it on CD Baby, or by going to her website,

Someone else who inspires me is Dr. Noah St. John ( Noah says that an essential component to success is having someone who unconditionally supports you. That's who Camille is to me. Noah is also the creator of a concept called, "afformations." 

I honestly believe that virtually everything that is happening in my life right now is due to afformations being the foundation. My life was pretty scattered, with a lot of potential, but not a lot to show for it. Thank you Noah. As far as I'm concerned, you're a blessing to the world. 

Saturday, April 19, 2008

An open letter to suicide survivors

I received a message this morning from a woman who received a discernment from me over a year ago. She told me about a friend of hers whose daughter committed suicide. Her friend is grieving not only the death of her daughter, but also fears her daughter is in "hell."  

I asked her to pass on the following, and thought I would share it with you. If you know someone who has survived the suicide of a loved one, please ask them to read this as well. 

Your friend told me about your daughter and your fears. I'm hoping I can help ease your pain in some small way. 

Although I'm not myself a parent, it doesn't take a whole lot of imagination to understand your grief. You love your children so much, it's unthinkable as to how they could think their life isn't worth living. 

If thoughts of suicide were as detectable as any other terminal disease then we might be able to stop it before it's too late. The problem is that all too often, those suffering from this hide what's going on so well, no one sees it until it's already done. 

I am a full time, professional, Psychic Medium however, and I've talked to those who have crossed over a countless number of times now, including those who have taken their own lives. I want to make something VERY clear - I would not be able to communicate with them, nor would they be able to communicate with me if not for God's love and grace. 

Those who have died by their own hand have made it very clear that they were not condemned to "Hell," nor were they scorned by God. In fact, the exact opposite is true. They are held more closely by God's compassion, understanding and forgiveness.  The "hell" they may be suffering from is the pain they know their passing caused their loved ones they left behind. 

Often when I do a discernment (reading) there is a line of loved ones who are wanting to communicate. However, if there is someone who committed suicide in their midst, they are moved to the front of the line. This also applies to those who lost their lives at the hands of someone else. Why would this be so? Because they have the most to say. 

I'm sure that your daughter now knows it would have been better to finish her lessons here on Earth,*but she is now continuing her journey in a more beautiful, peaceful and compassionate place. 

Your daughter was a sensitive soul, with a purity we all have when we begin our lives and lessons. Most of us put on protective armor to protect our souls while we're on our journey in this life. Your daughter wasn't able to do that. That's why she thought it was best to do what she did. 

God doesn't make mistakes, but He does understand when we do. God knows and loves us to the very core and fiber of who we are. 

Your daughter's new journey, in part, is to help you understand, and accept, that what she did was not your fault in any way, nor is it due to some failure on your part as a parent. She would also want you to know that's she's okay, in God's loving arms, and still with you from the Other Side so you can begin to put the pieces of your life back together. When you finish your own journey here, you will see her again. I promise you that you will. 

Grief is the price we pay for love. At the end of grief in this world is joy in the next. Hold on until that wonderful day. 


Thursday, April 17, 2008

My unknown Angel

I did a discernment for a couple of women, Diane and Joy, who came to see me together yesterday. It was they second time they've come to see me, the first time was 6 months ago. 

I don't remember who came through for them the last time, but they did tell me that people they didn't hear from last time did come through this time. Diane told me that before they came to see me she prayed to her father to come through time,  that he let her know it really was him coming through by mentioning the horses they owned when she was a child. So when I pointed at her and told her I was being told to talk about horses… they both gasped. 

It was a great session in which one man, an uncle who referred to himself as "the family clown," and "the village idiot," came through. Both Joy and Diane acknowledge that where ever he was, it turned into a party! 

But what really struck me as interesting was that Joy told me that several people in the building she works in have come to see me, and that I'm, on occasion, the subject of conversation in their "smoking room." Not only that, Joy also told me that there's a woman who frequently comes to them (I'm not sure if she works with them) and asks for testimonials for me, and even has a "newsletter(?)" she prints about me! 

If you're this lady, please contact me.  I'd love to thank you for your support! 

I bought Lisa Williams new book, "Life Among the Dead." I've only started reading it and I'm having a lot of fun with it. I'm a huge fan of Lisa's, and I have a lot of respect for her. Although she won't remember me I met her several years ago. My first thought, with her hair and her personality was, "You've got to be kidding me!" 

I saw her on Good Morning America yesterday morning. She gave a great interview and as usual, did it with a great deal of poise. She was interviewed by Diane Sawyer. I judged, by the questions being asked, that while Mediums have come a long way, thanks to people like Lisa, George Anderson, and John Edward, Allison Du Bois, and so many others,  we still have a long way to go. 

Lisa, you rock! I love who you are! 

In my other blog on WordPress, I'm going to continue my discussion of "sacred signs." 



Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Yesterday, after I finished blogging and doing everything I could think of doing on my computer,  I left the Starbucks I was sitting in and decided to walk to the grocery store in the same shopping center. So I put my computer in my car, and started walking when I saw a bumper sticker that said, "I'd Rather Be On Stage."  I knew immediately it was another sign. 

Then this morning I was journaling about a realization I had in my morning meditation. When I was done I saw a booklet laying on the floor of my living room. It was entitled, "Messages From Your Angels," and it was part of a Doreen Virtue Angel Card deck. The sub-title was, "What Your Angels Want You to Know." 

Inside the booklet was a small card that had, "Inspire Hope," printed on it. I knew that coupled with the bumper sticker I saw yesterday it was an answer to a prayer. I talk more about this on my other blog 

Yesterday being the dreaded deadline for filing taxes, I thought about writing about "deadlines" but decided against it until today. I was told once that the word, "deadline" came from the term "a drop dead date," in which something absolutely had to be done by, no later. 

I thought, that made sense; and it also makes sense that it would be called a DEAD line. Theoretically, after that, all options are exhausted. If you think about it, we were all born with a "deadline." Everyone we know and love, like, dislike, even hate, has a "dead line," or "drop dead date." 

I just want to suggest to you that since you don't know when your drop dead date is, you live each day as though it were your last. Since you don't know what the drop dead date of a loved one is, you treat them as though it were today. This goes for those you like as well. 

As for those you dislike or hate, perhaps it's time to do show some forgiveness. Relationships are hard enough in this life. The problems don't go ahead with death, but they are harder to resolve on the Other Side.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


When I was in Junior High there was a hit song by "The Five Man Electrical Band," entitled, "Signs." "Signs, signs, everywhere there's signs…" the chorus went. 

I'm becoming more and more aware that signs really are everywhere! One of them was an answer to my prayer and it came in a phone conversation I had with Josie, who told me of an incredible sign I'll tell you about in a minute. 

Starting last August, I set a goal to re-make my life completely by September 30th, of 2008. Shortly after that, several psychic types have been telling me that this will be a HUGE year for me, and that it will really explode around October of this year! 

Well, just because a psychic tells me, or you, something doesn't necessarily mean that you can just sit around and wait for it to happen. So, I've been proactively ensuring that my plans and their predictions become a reality. To paraphrase my new friend, Dr. Noah St. John (, "I'm not only working on my inner game, but I'm also working on my outer game as well." One of the things I'm doing is "afformations." To find out more about what afformations are, please see Noah's website. Afformations really can change your life. 

As I mentioned before, I'm also developing an attitude of gratitude. But lately, over the past week or so, I'm feeling as though I'm being nudged by God to ask for what I want, and look for the answer in signs. So I've been doing research into the whole notion of signs, and boy, have they been showing up for me! So much so, I'm thinking I'm going to write an e-book on the subject. 

Anyway, there are a few people in the world I just love talking to. One of them is Camille, whom I talked about yesterday, and another is Noah, whom I just talked about. Another is no stranger to you if you're a regular reader of my blog, and that's Josie Varga. 

Josie has Cerebral Palsy, is bi-laterally deaf, and has more moxy than I have on my best day! I love talking to her, and sometimes we'll talk several times a week; other weeks it'll only be once. Well, yesterday I got a "signal from the ether" to call Josie. 

We started talking about the television show she's trying to place with a producer, and ultimately a network which revolves around Medium Natalie Smith-Blakeslee, and yours truly.
Then she told me about the "sign" she and her family saw last Saturday. 

Josie, her husband John, and their two daughters, Erica, and Lea, all went shopping at a local mall. When they came home Erica looked up and said, "Wow, look at that!" 

Josie, John and Lea all looked up and what they saw moved Josie to tears. A single cloud was in the sky in the shape of an "angel." "You could see it had wings, and it was wearing a robe!" Josie told me. 

"Do you see that? Do you see that?" she asked John. 

"Yeah, I see it," John replied. 

Josie suggested that John get a camera so they could take a picture of it, when the cloud started to dissipate. A few moments later is was gone. 

John reminded Josie that another Medium told her there would be a sign in a cloud. Josie looked for her taped recording of the session. When she found it and played it, sure enough, the Medium had predicted that there would be such a sign - for John, from his father. 

John, the "open-minded skeptic" was flabbergasted. Was it really possible that his father had gone to such great lengths to let John know he loved him from the Other Side?

I teased John about being a skeptic, an open minded one, but still.... "I'm not a skeptic anymore!" John said. 

As Blaise Pascal once said, "There's enough light for those who believe to see, and enough darkness to blind those who don't." 

For me, John's sign from his father was a sign from God telling me I'm on the right track. 

Wishing you the very best life has to offer to you and those you love, 

Monday, April 14, 2008

Someone I'd like you to meet...

My closest, and dearest friend, whom I've known for about 19 years is Camille Massing. I can't begin to imagine where I would be in my life right now if it weren't for her. When I was struggling with the idea of being a Medium, she was there with her unconditional support. 
Camille is a singer with the voice of an angel. She's also a talented songwriter.  Over the years we've known each other we've written a number of songs together, and she recorded them onto a cd entitled, "King's Ransom." It's a compilation of Christian songs that you'll enjoy if you like Joni Mitchell, or Amy Grant. 

She's a incredible spirit, and her love for God is reflected in her beautiful music. You can find her cd on, or by going to Personally, my favorite song is "King's Ransom." Give it a listen! 

I received an e-mail this morning from a woman whose daughter, Chrissy, came through during her discernment session with me. She is asking for sponsorship as she walks in a fundraiser for suicide prevention. You can find more information on my website. I hope you'll find it in your heart to make a donation! 

Well, it's going to be a short one! I've got to get cracking on my taxes!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Now I remember!

I did readings today at a bookstore filling in for a friend of mine who combines Astrology and Tarot to do readings for her clients. I don't do either. While the statement is up and down on my website (right now it's down), I am able to do clairvoyant readings. I received this testimonial earlier today - 

I received a psychic reading from Anthony and was very impressed. We spoke about my current challenges and some past life energy I was holding on to. Due to my reading with Anthony I was able to release those old ideas and look forward to a more productive future. Mary 

 - A little side note -  she told me that since the reading she's started losing weight without even trying! 

I can sit down with someone and usually tell them what's going on but I prefer to use a personal item of theirs or a picture. It's less unnerving for the sitter that way. I've found that sitting there looking at someone and telling them what's going on in their lives tends to freak people out. Sometimes the accuracy of my reading freaks people out. 

Anyway, I was pretty busy once I got started. I did a number of readings for some really great people. One man came in and found out that the reason for everything that was going on in his life was that God, and his soul, wanted him to reach out to others and follow his heart's desire. 

He was stunned when I told him I saw his great grandfather with a saber in his hand (he was the only one stunned by this vision)! I also mentioned that I felt there was a Civil War connection to his family. He told me later that his great grandfather was an officer under General Custer, and his great, great grandfather fought in the Civil War. All of this tied in with his heart's desire. 

I'll write about the importance of following your heart's desire later this week. 

Another man came in who is a practicing astrologer. He met a woman recently and asked if I could tell him anything about her and where their relationship was going to go. He heard that I do psychometry (object) and photo readings, so he brought several photos of her he printed off of his computer. He was stunned that I was able to describe her personality and their new relationship so precisely. 

After the reading he then started to affirm everything I told him by telling me about their charts! LOL I'm not sure how he missed my eyes glazing over as I know next to nothing about Astrology! 

A woman was waiting for me who would end up being my last reading of the day.  "I heard you can talk to dead people," she said. 

"Yes, but I'm not doing that sort of thing today. You'll have to make an appointment." 

"I want to talk to my husband!" she demanded. 

Okay, she broke my number 1 rule - don't tell me whom you're wanting to reconnect with. 

"Can you do this, or can't you?" 

"Well, yes, I can, but I'm not doing that sort of thing right now. Please make an appointment and I'll be happy to help you then."

She kept insisting so I told her I would do a ten minute session for her - big mistake. "Your husband passed from cancer. Yes?" 


"He passed about 7 month ago." 

Her eyes became wide. "Yes!" 

"He wants me to acknowledge someone who has a beard. Do you know who this is?"


"Yes, you do." 

"Okay, my brother in law has a beard, but I don't want to talk about him. I want to talk about my husband. I want you to give me some specific message so that I'll know it's him." 

That's when I remembered why I have my "rule number 1." People who come in demanding to talk to someone in particular often want to control the session. Unfortunately it doesn't work that way. They find out very quickly that they're not in control of what those who come through have to say, nor am I in control of that. The souls are in control, from beginning to end. 

The souls are performance animals. Neither am I. I tried to tell her that, but she wouldn't listen. Finally,  I looked at the clock and told her, "I'm sorry, but your ten minutes are up." 

It was a great reminder for me of why I used to disqualify from receiving a reading anyone who tells me whom they are hoping to hear from in the future. 

Friday, April 11, 2008

Being grateful

I had a great session with a young lady named Jill Wednesday night. She came hoping to hear from her mother and she did. 

Her mother had such great energy; and Jill, while feeling nervous and skeptical, was awesome throughout! The love she had for her mother and her mother had for her was awesome! Jill posted a comment thanking me, but as I told her, "Don't forget to thank God for making this possible, and your mother too. This takes a lot of energy and effort on her part!" 

Speaking of gratitude, it snowed most of the day yesterday which put me in a lazy mood. I received a text from my friend Debbie who asked me if I thought Mother Nature would ever make up her mind as far as the weather was concerned. 

Well, having decided to stay inside at home all day yesterday I wrote back, "I sure as hell hope so!" This morning it came to me that the constantly changing weather this time of the year is one of the reasons I chose to live in Colorado! While it snowed all day yesterday, it'll be in the 70's by the middle of next week according to the weather forecasters! I've got to tell you, I love it! 

A lot of people think that because of the work I do I'm somehow closer to God than most. Nothing could be farther from the truth, although I have been meditating over the past several days about the idea that God is within me. I've also been thinking a lot about the nature of this Spirit of God within me. I then started thinking that I really have a lot to be grateful for. 

I was watching a movie last week and the thought came to me that overall, with all of it's ups and downs, I've had a very good life. I just didn't bother to see it that way. 

Well, this morning I started being grateful for my life, and everything about it, the way it is now. Things didn't magically start getting better, but I did start feeling better! 

Then a number of things I've read before started to make sense to me! For instance, the idea that what we dwell on grows in our life. I used to wonder how I could focus on my life being anything other than the way it is now. Now I know. If I want things to be different I have to start being grateful for the way I want them to be, even if they're not that way now. 

Now that my eyes are open, I'm going to be even more grateful for all that I have in my life, and to the God who gave me my life. I know that only good can come from this. I'll be sharing that good with you as it does. 

It's my hope that sharing this with you, you'll start to think of all that you have to be grateful for in your life, especially those you love and are still with you. I'd like to suggest that you tell them how much they mean to you before it's too late, and you have to come to a Medium like me to do so. 


Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Do you have an after-death communication story?

I was talking to Josie today, and she told me that while she did set a deadline of March 31st for contributions to her book, "Visits From Heaven," she's willing to look at more contributions while she's writing. What she is looking for are stories that are verifiable. 

For example, let's say one of your parents passes away and you need paperwork in order to get their estate squared away, but no matter how much you look you can't find it. Your spouse tells you they had the strangest dream the night before in which your parent came to him/her and said that the papers you're looking for are in a safety deposit box you weren't aware existed, and the key to the box is taped under the middle drawer on the left side of a desk in the study. 

You think he's lost his mind but you look anyway. Sure enough, under the second drawer is taped an envelope with a key and the name of the bank the safety deposit box is in! 

Now, don't get me wrong, Josie is not looking just for stories as complicated as the one I just outlined, but you get the idea. She wants stories in which a message was given by someone who has passed which suggests to you that they are able to communicate with you still. 

Josie's website address is,, if you have a story you'd like to submit for her to consider as a contribution for her book.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

More musings

I want to continue my thoughts about the reaction people have to my work, whether the response is to me personally, or to someone who has received a reading from me. 

I've been called a lot of things. Two of the milder e-mails I've received are, "You are crazy, and wrong," and "No one will believe you." One of the harsher things I've been told is that there's "a special place in hell for me." You get the idea. 

While I've received far more positive remarks than negative ones, I believe that in each and every case in which someone said something less than flattering to me or about me, that they meant well. I believe that the negative things said are based primarily in fear. 

People fear what they don't understand. People fear death because they don't understand it. So then you have me telling people that death is an illusion, that we don't die, nor do our loved ones, well.... 

I remember one night when I was at a party someone asked me what I do for a living, I sensed he really didn't want to know, and I told him that. Of course, he kept insisting that I tell him. "I talk to dead people," I told him. The fury in his face made me wonder if I needed to be ready to duck a punch that may be coming my way. 

He told me not to do anything like that during the party. Well, I did. The people who witnessed it were amazed, but this guy's wife was upset. "What you're doing is offending God," she told me, calling what I do, "necromancy." For the record, necromancy is consulting the dead in order to predict the future, something I don't do. But do you think they were open to hearing that? 

The other thing I told them was that I'm able to do what I do, I believe, because of God, not in spite of God. God uses me as an instrument, as do the souls, to bring comfort and peace to those who are mourning. To me, this is something a loving and merciful God does. Not the judgmental God of those who judge me. 

Maybe that's one of the reasons for the upset. People have to rethink their image of God. 

I also think that there's another, very real, and for some people, upsetting reason as well. Will, who is a journalist, and published author in England may have put it best. "If what you're saying is true, it means that I may have to re-think the way I'm living my life, and I'm not sure I'm ready to do that just yet."

Saturday, April 5, 2008


Dear Anthony, 
I'm a little stupefied by having to write back to my nephew's wife about the "seance" she heard about. I'm amazed by the instant reaction people can have. I reacted in my own way after Halloween night…. Anyway, just curious if you call what you do a "seance." That word never crossed my mind. 

Hope you are well, 

Dear Gina, 
I'm often amazed at the "instant reaction" I receive when I tell people what I do. You and I aren't the only ones either. 

I received a phone call today from another friend of mine, Jennifer. Jennifer is married to Mike, whom I was best friends with many years ago. In fact I was the best man at their wedding. 

Well, Jennifer told me that Mike went to visit his family last October and they told him in no uncertain terms that they were worried about the "darkness" Mike and Jennifer were entering being friends with me. This was about the time I came to your relatives home and did the small group readings for whomever cared to attend, and interestingly, about the same reaction to what happened! 

To answer your question directly, John Edward and Suzanne Northrup refer to their sessions as a seance, I don't. It brings up the wrong connotation of what I do. In a typical "seance," specific spirits are called to make an appearance. This is not what I do. 

When spirits show up during a session, they do so out of love, desire to communicate with their loved ones they left behind,  and their own free will. God's love and grace make it possible for the communication to take place. As for me, I'm only the instrument in the process. 

That's why I refer to what I do as "discernment sessions," and not "seances." It's not like I snap my fingers and the spirits show up, they snap their fingers and I show up. I then do my best to understand the messages the spirits are trying to convey to their loved ones. 

Finally, most people object to what I do on religious grounds. In Christian Scriptures, Paul about the ability to "discern spirits" as one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. So I guess the bottom line is that this ability is God's gift to me. The peace of mind people receive from a session is God's gift to them, given through me. 

Explain it to your aunt that way, and see if it helps her. 

Thanks for the empathy for the reactions I get from people. I often say that this "gift" sometimes makes me feel as though I won a seat on the game show, "Shoot the Messenger!" 


Thursday, April 3, 2008

Psychic Trade Party

Kat and Maru, who call themselves "The Intuitive Divas" ( host a "psychic trade party" at Kat's house. The idea is that psychics in, and around, the Denver Metro area to come and share their talents with one another. 

Only four of us ended up attending, and that included Maru and Kat! Eric, an intuitive was there along with myself. Personally, I enjoyed it. It made the readings more intimate. 

We placed ourself in a circle and basically each one of us was read by the other three. In order to respect their privacy, I'll just talk about what I was told. 

Kat cautioned me against writing my book for at least 3o days while I "cleared" myself. It's been my obsession of sorts to clear my unconscious beliefs. I'm seeing more and more lately that there's more to life than I've been allowing myself to experience. 

Kat mentioned something about my upcoming television appearance, and where television fits in my future. I won't go into it here because she brought up something I suspected all along, but I don't want to talk about it at this time until it's resolved.

Maru did say that she definitely "saw" me in radio. Eric said, "Not just radio, but satellite radio." All three were in agreement there. I asked Maru when she saw this happening and she told me sometime this year. Possibly October, but definitely within this year. 

This struck me because she's the third psychic type who mentioned October to me. One psychic who wants me to refer to her as "The Contessa," told me a couple of months ago that my life will be completely different by October. Last year, my friend, and Medium, Natalie Smith-Blakeslee told me that big things will start happening for me starting this August.  Shortly after that I resolved that my life would be different by setting goals I wanted to achieve by September 30 of this year. 

Before they said this, I had been considering radio as a way to start reaching more people but didn't consider satellite radio. All three agreed that satellite radio was the only way to reach the number of people I'm supposed to reach. I couldn't help but think, "So what does this mean? I'm going to be the male "Dr. Laura" of the psychic world?" 

Maru also said that while this won't happen, I'll be making a contact with regards to this "next month." As things progress, I'll keep you posted, I promise! 

Before all of this, since Maru volunteered to be read first I thought I would do a quick discernment. I distinctly got a spirit that was a mother energy to Maru and while I was giving her what was coming through, she verified some of it, but a lot of what I was receiving didn't resonate with her. It turns out it was her grandmother who opened the door but it was Kat's grandmother who wanted center stage! 

This happens at times when I'm trying to do what I do in a small group. The spirits will stand behind one person to get my attention, even if they're not related to that person. By the time we figured this out, I had to promise Kat I would do her discernment (reading) the next time we get together. I was able to contribute clairvoyant readings for all three though. 

I want to end by thanking Kat for opening up her home to us, and I want to thank Maru, Kat, and Eric for the fun evening and the predictions. 

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Well, today has been quite the day for me! I was in a bookstore earlier today and after looking at some books decided it's time to become serious about writing one of my own. In fact, my exact thought was, "Looks like writing a book is my next step." 

I was inspired to go the the New Age section and I picked up a book to look at. I wasn't sure why I picked it up, as it was a subject I was only somewhat interested in. 

As I was walking away from the shelf I was again "inspired" to look inside the book to see if there any pictures. There weren't any; instead there was a bookmark that said, "Ready to Write a Book?" I swear that's what it said! 

I stopped and read it and it was from a publishing company looking for authors! In all honesty, the bookmark was about all I read. My first thought was correct, I wasn't all that interested in the book to begin with. 

A little later I was on-line and watching a film Dr. Noah St. John sent to me via e-mail. Noah is the author of "Permission to Succeed," and "The Great Little Book of Afformations." I won't explain what "afformations" are here, but I will tell you it's a powerful technique for getting past any self sabotaging behaviors you may unconsciously have! 

In the film he talked about our subconscious blocks to creating the life we want to live. He simply mentioned that these blocks are what usually keep us from getting what we want for ourselves. You can find out more about Noah, and afformations by going to his website,

Did I mention that when I was in the bookstore earlier, I was looking at books by Dr. Joe Vitale? In case you didn't know, he really came to the public's attention when he was one of the speakers on "The Secret" movie. 

So I'm sitting in a coffee shop, watching Noah's film when I decide to go to Vitale's website, I've never been to his site before, and I noticed he has a video blog. So I go to it, pick a film, and what is he talking about? Our subconscious self sabotaging beliefs, and how to clear them! 

Well, God doesn't have to hit me with a lightening bolt to get me to see what I'm supposed to be learning today. I'm going to be applying what Noah started, and Vitale finished. In case you decide to go to Vitale's site, go to his video blog section, and click on the film from the Learning Annex. 

So what does all of this have to do with me being a Medium? Well, if you read my previous blog, you'll know that I'm all about living life fully. That way I won't have to hang around as a ghost, or come back around in another life. I'm just not into either of those ideas! 

Avoiding "Limbo" or "How NOT to become a ghost!"

I love Josie. She is just a hoot to talk to! 

She sent me an e-mail saying that she needed to tell me something and asked me to call her when I had a chance. So I called her when I figured she would be home from shuttling her kids (ages 6 and 8) to brownies, yoga, karate, the pistol range, etc (just kidding about Yoga!).

"Do you remember that day when you told me that there was a clock in my house that was stuck? I said, 'No, there isn't.' You said, 'Yes, there is.' Do you remember that?"

Actually, I hadn't. When I do psychic readings, or Medium discernments I access a part of my brain that I don't normally use. When I'm no longer in my zone, my brain seems to dump all of the information, so I don't remember much if anything at all of what I said. 

"You told me that there was a stuck clock, so I had John check all of our clocks. He told me that all of our clocks were working just fine. 

Well, I was looking for something yesterday (Monday) and I was looking for it all over. I couldn't find it so I looked in my husband's secretary desk. Do you know what I found? Behind all of this stuff was a clock that was stopped! You were off by an hour as far as the time, but still...!

Anthony, I used to believe in life after death, but now I really believe! The thing is, now I'm afraid of being stuck in 'limbo!'" 

"Josie," I told her, "when I was doing paranormal investigations, I used to hear that same sort of thing all of the time. I'm going to tell you what I used to tell people who said the same thing.

Live your life to the full! In other words, whether you die suddenly, or see it coming, making sure that when you pass you have no regrets. Tell everyone you love you love them. If there's any unhealed hurts between you and someone else, try to heal them. You get the idea."