Monday, June 9, 2008

Just venting

I was just talking to someone I know who asked about my upcoming "tour." I told her about it and mentioned that when I come back home, I'm planning on collapsing. 

"You should just train yourself to recharge more quickly," she suggested. "That's what I do."  This young lady has aspirations of being a full-time clairvoyant, and energy worker. 

"No offense," I told her, "but I can do clairvoyant stuff all day long. Mediumship is a different animal."

There are a lot of people claiming to be mediums these days, but most are anything but.... I recently met one woman who sees a woman who says she's a "medium," and what she does is pass messages along by doing card readings. In other words, she reads the cards of the person who passed away. By doing that she passes along "messages of guidance," or whatever she passes on and calls it "mediumship."

When someone comes to see me, the messages I receive, and give, aren't through cards, or guides or anything else. They are "mano a mano," or face to face. This takes a lot of energy out of me. 

I guess I just wanted to vent. I appreciate the idea that she was just trying to be helpful, she really was. But looking at her, it's obvious she doesn't run marathons. Neither do I. Then again, I wouldn't think of giving advice to a marathon runner that if they just changed their beliefs, they could run a marathon every other day either. 

On a more positive note, Cheryl and I went to see Lisa Williams at her seminar last night. I just love her energy. She has a way about her which is just adorable. Cheryl told me she had a great time. As for me, it was the first time I've been on the "other side" as far as doing seminars go. Normally, I'm the one doing the readings. It was nice seeing how the other side lives! LOL

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