Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Do you have an after-death communication story?

I was talking to Josie today, and she told me that while she did set a deadline of March 31st for contributions to her book, "Visits From Heaven," she's willing to look at more contributions while she's writing. What she is looking for are stories that are verifiable. 

For example, let's say one of your parents passes away and you need paperwork in order to get their estate squared away, but no matter how much you look you can't find it. Your spouse tells you they had the strangest dream the night before in which your parent came to him/her and said that the papers you're looking for are in a safety deposit box you weren't aware existed, and the key to the box is taped under the middle drawer on the left side of a desk in the study. 

You think he's lost his mind but you look anyway. Sure enough, under the second drawer is taped an envelope with a key and the name of the bank the safety deposit box is in! 

Now, don't get me wrong, Josie is not looking just for stories as complicated as the one I just outlined, but you get the idea. She wants stories in which a message was given by someone who has passed which suggests to you that they are able to communicate with you still. 

Josie's website address is,, if you have a story you'd like to submit for her to consider as a contribution for her book.

1 comment:

jill said...

This is for Anthony Quinata!!
You are wonderful, and you showed me something...a gift, that i doubted anyone was capable of doing, but you proved to me you are real, and what you do, by connecting with the dead is a miracle...I just wanted to thank you for giving me that special gift , by letting me connect with my mother once again!!My mother died of Breast Cancer over a yr. and a half ago, and she has been missed so much, but now, i know she is ok, and by the grace of God, he has let you pass this on to me...I thank you Anthony, and hope to see you once again!!
Jill Archuleta