Thursday, April 24, 2008

Rest In Peace

I'm in Los Angeles and I'm having fun hanging out with my mother, father, brothers and sisters; and, of course, my nieces and nephew.

I just found out today that one of my uncles, one of my father's brothers died two days ago back on Guam. He passed when he crashed into a tree. No one knows at this time why this happened. Personally, I just think his time was up.

I will say that I've been thinking a lot over the past week about a car wreck. Was it my intuition warning me this would happen? I honestly don't know.

One thing I was glad to hear was that everyone in my family acknowledges he's in a "better place." So there's not a whole lot of grieving going on. I guess, contrary to what I've believed for a long time now, they've been listening to me, after all.

Rest in peace, Uncle Norbert, until you're ready to continue your life and journey again, on the Other Side.

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