Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Yesterday, after I finished blogging and doing everything I could think of doing on my computer,  I left the Starbucks I was sitting in and decided to walk to the grocery store in the same shopping center. So I put my computer in my car, and started walking when I saw a bumper sticker that said, "I'd Rather Be On Stage."  I knew immediately it was another sign. 

Then this morning I was journaling about a realization I had in my morning meditation. When I was done I saw a booklet laying on the floor of my living room. It was entitled, "Messages From Your Angels," and it was part of a Doreen Virtue Angel Card deck. The sub-title was, "What Your Angels Want You to Know." 

Inside the booklet was a small card that had, "Inspire Hope," printed on it. I knew that coupled with the bumper sticker I saw yesterday it was an answer to a prayer. I talk more about this on my other blog 

Yesterday being the dreaded deadline for filing taxes, I thought about writing about "deadlines" but decided against it until today. I was told once that the word, "deadline" came from the term "a drop dead date," in which something absolutely had to be done by, no later. 

I thought, that made sense; and it also makes sense that it would be called a DEAD line. Theoretically, after that, all options are exhausted. If you think about it, we were all born with a "deadline." Everyone we know and love, like, dislike, even hate, has a "dead line," or "drop dead date." 

I just want to suggest to you that since you don't know when your drop dead date is, you live each day as though it were your last. Since you don't know what the drop dead date of a loved one is, you treat them as though it were today. This goes for those you like as well. 

As for those you dislike or hate, perhaps it's time to do show some forgiveness. Relationships are hard enough in this life. The problems don't go ahead with death, but they are harder to resolve on the Other Side.

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